UPDATE: Maya moved across the street!
I’ve been meaning to post something for years about my favorite used book store here in Central Florida (perhaps in the world!!), Yvette Comeau’s Maya Books and Music.
First let me just say that I love used book stores. I can browse for hours. If someone comes along for the ride, they are usually bored to tears by the time I leave I love the smell of books. I love discovering random authors. I love the peace and quiet of used books store. I love readers. And I love the prices! I would spend the good part of weekend day at a used book store, if I didn’t think I was weirding the owners out.
Maya Books and Music is located in Sanford, downtown on East 1st Street right next to Theo Hollerbach’s Willow Tree Cafe (UPDATE: Maya moved across the street!). Maya is owned by Yvette Comeau, and named after Yvette’s cat, who guarded and roamed the store for years. And her very friendly dog Layla hangs out as well. Maya is stocked with great books from top to bottom of nearly every wall. The store is huge. I am most intereted in classics, and she doesn’t disappoint. The section is huge, with a wide variety of authors. Other sections are packed as well. The books are very well organized and the quality of the books is good. I’ve never found a book with (*shivers*) underlining or highlighting. I’ve also never left the store without buying a book
In addition to more books than you’ll ever have time to read in your life, you can find lots of vinyl records, posters, and interesting knickknacks throughout the store. If I didn’t spend so much on books, I would definitely consider buying some of the sweet posters and art around the store.
If you are ever in downtown Sanford, you owe it to yourself to drop by, relax, and find a good book! Also, for selfish reasons, please support Maya Books and Music! I never want it to close!!
Maya is definitely the best (IMNSHO), but there are a few other good book stores in the area too:
Didi Baker’s A Novel Idea is small but nice, and she is a very sweet person who has been in the Winter Park / Casselberry area nearly her entire life. Stop by and give her some company some time.
The New Leaf Bookstore, located in the Winter Park Public Library location across the street from Rollins College, has good stock, and they rotate often due to constant donations.
The Book Worm used to be a great little bookstore on Bumby, especially their classics section, but after two locations, I believe they finally called it quits :/