Various resources to help you appreciate Ada, Countess of Lovelace as certainly one of the first, if not the very first, documented programmer for a general purpose computing machine. Numbers of Bernoulli program intended for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine: (Note that Ada’s “Notes” are much longer than the original translation itself) (I thank…
Category: Uncategorized
Snail Mail at Warp Speed
If you have to send snail-mail, send it at warp speed! Star Trek stamps available at your local Federal Post Office.
Cacti Council @ OrlandoiX
Cacti Council will be @ OrlandoiX16 October 14th-16th. I will see you there! We will be explaining what we do and how you can help kids learning computer science and programming. Apparently there will be many other Full Sailers attending as well. This list is chock full of graduates and current and former instructors:…
50 Years of Voyages
In commemoration…
Cacti Council
A literal cacti council to celebrate our Cacti Council non-profit, which promotes creative and critical thinking concepts in education, especially computer science and its related disciplines. If you’d like to help out and/or be involved, let us know here.
Dragon Fruit Flowers
“Dragon fruit” (Pitahaya), are sweet, crunchy fruits about the size of a fist. On the outside, they look like oval balls of fire (thick red skin) decaled with green flames (leaves). On the inside, the majority of the fruit is either white or purple or yellow, and is peppered with what looks like black sesame….
Idiocracy: Election 2016
I think we’re almost there I saw this on someone’s fence today…
The Crossroads Project
“Now is the time to believe what we know.“ – Yann Arthus-Bertrand “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.“ – Robert Swan The Crossroads Project is an interdisciplinary performance art project created and performed by various scientists and artists in order to raise awareness about climate change,…
Spout: monochrome mission
Spout: monochrome mission ships today! Thanks to Arthur Guibert for giving me the opportunity to score this great little game. It’s only the second low-fi game I’ve had the chance to work on. It is a remake of the original game by Kuni, ported and maintained by various developers, including: Alekmaul and Nick White.
Gravity Lab!
Gravity Lab! v2 ships today. Thanks to John Hinton and Ryan Ketley at Mobile Snap for giving me the opportunity to score this game. They did a knockout job on the look and feel. It plays well. I’m honored to have contributed. (ps: I’m also the voice of Steve the robot)