Created some scripts to help with processing .pgm files, which are simple intensity grayscale files, often the output of a special sensor, such as an IR camera. The scripts can be found here: original/cups.pgm scaled/cups.pgm visible/cups.png colored/cups.png wraps the scripts below for a .pgm -> color image conversion various functionality for working…
Tag: computer science
Otronicon 2017
Here are some photos from Otronicon 2017 at the Orlando Science Center. My non-profit, Cacti Council, had a booth as well. We meet with K-12 students, faculty, administrators and clubs, sometimes with university student volunteers, to promote logic, computer science, and programming topics. At Otronicon, we were building simple games with Google IgniteCS Here is…
Photogrammetry is the process of using images for measurement or 3D model reconstruction. Here is a great article by Gaétan Laure on using a custom drone with a GoPro camera and Agisoft Photoscan to produce a 3D reconstruction of a house. I’ve been working on a project with photogrammetry from images taken by a DJI…
Ada Lovelace Day
Various resources to help you appreciate Ada, Countess of Lovelace as certainly one of the first, if not the very first, documented programmer for a general purpose computing machine. Numbers of Bernoulli program intended for Charles Babbage’s Analytical Engine: (Note that Ada’s “Notes” are much longer than the original translation itself) (I thank…
Cacti Council
A literal cacti council to celebrate our Cacti Council non-profit, which promotes creative and critical thinking concepts in education, especially computer science and its related disciplines. If you’d like to help out and/or be involved, let us know here.
MLP BP Neural Network
Here is some code for a simple multilayer perceptron back-propagating neural network that I wrote in graduate school. There are much more complete, powerful frameworks being developed, but perhaps this will help someone learning. Feel free to use any code that you want.
Batching LOS Tests w/ CUDA