Tonight I attended a live recording of NPR’s Science Friday at the Bob Carr Theater here in Orlando, hosted by WMFE-FM 90.7. It was very cool to see Ira Flatow in person reading lines for the show, cracking jokes, and interviewing guests. The show featured robots, prosthetics, live music, and space exercise. And to top…
Tag: education
Mech VR Simulator
A team of 3 students in our Simulation & Visualization degree here at Full Sail University created a Mech Warrior / MadCat simulation using: Unity3D, VR w/ Oculus Rift, Moog 6DOF motion base, custom CNC routed console, Arduino, LEDs, digital scent technology, etc. I got to check it out the other day during a live demo…
Otronicon 2017
Here are some photos from Otronicon 2017 at the Orlando Science Center. My non-profit, Cacti Council, had a booth as well. We meet with K-12 students, faculty, administrators and clubs, sometimes with university student volunteers, to promote logic, computer science, and programming topics. At Otronicon, we were building simple games with Google IgniteCS Here is…
Cacti Council @ OrlandoiX
Cacti Council will be @ OrlandoiX16 October 14th-16th. I will see you there! We will be explaining what we do and how you can help kids learning computer science and programming. Apparently there will be many other Full Sailers attending as well. This list is chock full of graduates and current and former instructors:…
Cacti Council
A literal cacti council to celebrate our Cacti Council non-profit, which promotes creative and critical thinking concepts in education, especially computer science and its related disciplines. If you’d like to help out and/or be involved, let us know here.
The Crossroads Project
“Now is the time to believe what we know.“ – Yann Arthus-Bertrand “The greatest threat to our planet is the belief that someone else will save it.“ – Robert Swan The Crossroads Project is an interdisciplinary performance art project created and performed by various scientists and artists in order to raise awareness about climate change,…
MLP BP Neural Network
Here is some code for a simple multilayer perceptron back-propagating neural network that I wrote in graduate school. There are much more complete, powerful frameworks being developed, but perhaps this will help someone learning. Feel free to use any code that you want.