Courses Taught
Anonymous Critique Scores & Comments
* Data taken from 23 sections of PG1 (CS I) between 03/2015 and 01/2017
“Joe was an amazing instructor, he showed passion and made sure we all succeeded.”
“Joe is very easy to listen to. It’s not difficult for him to grab a students attention. He’s very encouraging and expresses genuine concern about a student’s success.”
“Joe actually explained why we needed to learn these skills, and presented Power Points effectively. Joe for Programming President.”
“Very knowledgeable of the subject and able to figure out and explain issues effectively.”
“He cares about his students.”
“Fun and friendly, tuned course material to student interest / focus.”
“The instructor demonstrated a vast knowledge and interest in the course which made me more attentive.”
“Joseph made really good analogies that helped me understand the concepts like breaking it down into a recipe. It helped me see the bigger picture for the program and linking the different functions to each other.”
“The class was well taught, and ordered so that you steadily built atop a solid foundation.”
“Having taken a programming class previously, I am in a good position to help assess the instructor’s proficiency with the course. In my opinion, he did a great job with giving helpful examples and analogies to illustrate complicated subjects.”
Volunteer Education
Orlando Science Center Otronicon (1/13/2017 – 1/16/2017) – Mentored attendees of 2 workshops on basic computer science using Google IgniteCS curriculum.
Google IgniteCS (2016-2017) – Helped coordinate and manage university students to mentor K-12 students about computer science and programming at various schools and neighborhood centers.
Windermere Preparatory School (12/8/2016) – Lectured to and mentored 100+ 3rd – 5th graders for the Hour of Code international event.
Rock Lake Middle School (12/6/2016) – Judged a middle school science fair.
Full Sail Hall of Fame 7 Game Jam for Conductive Education Center of Orlando (3/1/2016) – Helped administer game jam to benefit students with motor disabilities, including answering questions about programming, creating a survey, and hosting a website for results.
Union County High School (01/12/2016) – Lectured to high school students about computer science and programming as a supplement to their STEM curriculum.
Windermere Preparatory School (12/10/2015) – Lectured to and mentored ~50 3rd – 5th graders for the Hour of Code international event.
Milwee Engineering Extravaganza (05/08/2006) – Spoke to pre-engineering students at Milwee Middle School about programming, software development and the simulation industry.
Cacti Council
Some colleagues and I started a nonprofit (Cacti Council) to promote creative and critical thinking concepts in education through computer science and its related disciplines. We visit K-12 schools and community centers and lecture about computer science, programming, game development, as well as publish open-source code and online lecture materials. We’ve spoken to hundreds of students and teachers in the last year alone.