Think like an amateur. Do as an expert. – Takeo Kanade I got a chance to see Takeo Kanade talk today at UCF. He was fantastic! Takeo Kanade is one of the highest ranked/cited computer scientists on computer vision and robotics. He teaches at Carnegie Mellon University. He talked about various projects he worked on…
Category: Uncategorized
Maya Books and Music
UPDATE: Maya moved across the street! I’ve been meaning to post something for years about my favorite used book store here in Central Florida (perhaps in the world!!), Yvette Comeau’s Maya Books and Music. First let me just say that I love used book stores. I can browse for hours. If someone comes along for…
Merry Tuba Christmas
Tuba Christmas is a national annual concert originally organized by Dr. Harvey Phillips, a legendary tuba player, composer, advocate, and professor, as a tribute to his teacher, William Bell. The first Tuba Christmas concert took place at Rockefeller Center in 1974. Since then concerts have taken place all over the United States (and elsewhere), locally…
spout v2.0
Triple Trip put out an update to spout: monochrome mission, the pixel flying/carving game. Music by yours truly. Arthur Guibert coded it all. Here is a link to the original spout game that this was based on.
Pumpktris Project
This year for Halloween, a few of us attempted the popular Pumpktris instructable. Pumpktris is a version of Tetris playable in a pumpkin Nathan Pryor (HaHaBird) created it. Here is his version in all its glory. It got a lot of interest, from other instructables to local news coverage to BoingBoing. Nathan also made…
Halloween 2017: FF WHM
For Halloween this year, I donned a Final Fantasy White Mage costume, one that I crafted myself. FYI a WHM looks like this. As a longtime fan of the series, and devout WHM, this was something I’ve always wanted to do. The colored water bottles are potions, and the feathers are phoenix downs. My…
OSX Scripts
Disclaimer: I am OS Agnostic. Please don’t send me hate mail about operating systems. So for the last 4 years I’ve been using this MacBook Pro as my main laptop (OSX Mountain Lion through macOS Sierra). I’ve also run Parallels Desktop for various flavors of Windows, Android, and Fedora. I can honestly say I’ve thoroughly…
Brown Bag Brass Band
Heard Brown Bag Brass Band tonight at Tibby’s New Orleans Kitchen off Aloma. They are an informal sideline band with a rotating lineup, and they play around town at various places such as Tibby’s, Muddy Waters, Will’s, The Social, and private events like weddings, etc. They are fun and funky, and have that classic New…
Edit UNIX Shell History
On a UNIX system (using bash, though this probably applies to other shells too), the history command not only displays your shell history for you, but it also comes with a suite of options for manipulating it. Though I’ve used UNIX systems here and there for years, I never really knew about this command, and…
Python Version Toggling
If you’ve used Python quite a bit, you know that sometimes the module you want to use is not supported in the version of Python you have installed. Sometimes you can get around this by using a different module. Other times you are forced to install and maintain a completely different version of Python. At…